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Polymer Comply Europe (PCE) is pleased to announce its upcoming European Food Contact Plastics Seminar, organised on behalf of European Plastics Converters (EuPC).

The seminar will take place on 15 June 2023 in the Martin's Brussels EU Hotel and will focus on how to ensure the sustainability of food contact plastic materials and articles, whilst maintaining their safety for consumers. This seminar will identify the key challenges and opportunities for the food and drink industry, such as how it can contribute to the EU sustainability objectives and meet their legal obligations in terms of consumer safety. The discussion will gather experts from the industry, research institutes, European and national authorities. 

Register now!

Draft agenda

  • 9.00-9.30 Registration & Welcome coffee
  • 9.30-9.35 Welcome & Introduction by Host: Dario Dainelli Policy & Regulatory Affairs, FREP
  • 9.35-10.00 What the future of the Food Contact Materials (FCMs) Regulation will be? - Dario Dainelli Policy & Regulatory Affairs, FREP
  • 10.00-10.30 Pastics recycling and sustainability: Perspectives from the food industry - Alejandro Rodarte, FoodDrinkEurope
  • 10.30-11.00 coffee break
  • 11.00-11.20 Plastics recycling beyond PET: Recycling polystyrene and polyolefins - Mathilde Taveau, Plastics Recyclers Europe
  • 11.20-11.50 Progresses in chemical recycling to achieve circular plastics targets - Franky Wylin, Plastics Europe
  • 11.50-13.00 Networking lunch
  • 13.00-13.45 Updates on chemical legislation and links with food contact materials - Miguel Prieto Arranz, Cefic
  • 13.45-14.15 Progresses in chemical recycling to achieve circular plastics targets by Chemical Recycling Europe (tbc)
  • 14.15 - 14.45 Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR) - Olivier Van Volden, essenscia PolyMatters
  • 14.45-15.15 coffee break
  • 15.15-15.45 Regulatory compliance of PFAS (fluorinated polymers) for food contact materials - Nicolas Robin, Plastics Europe
  • 15.45-16.45 Panel Discussion: Potential challenges and opportunities from a Changing Regulatory Scenario for food contact materials
  • 16.45-17.00 Closing remarks - Dario Dainelli Policy & Regulatory Affairs, FREP


Martin's Brussels EU Hotel - Bd Charlemagne 80, 1000 Brussels


Registration is required, please book your ticket here.


Do not miss the European Food Contact Plastics Seminar 2023.

We look forward to your participation.




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About Polymer Comply Europe

Polymer Comply Europe (PCE) is a service provider for the plastics industry specialised in EU legislation. Since 1989 we have been closely working with the industry developing an in-depth knowledge and wide experience in EU Regulatory Compliance, Association Management and Projects & Studies.

Due to the increasing complexity of EU legislation, companies can benefit from more legal and technical advice. Companies involved in the plastics industry can get support on how to cope with this burden and our experts can provide you with the best expertise. You will receive informed advice from our best EU experts. For this we decided to develop a pool of EU plastics experts under our service company Polymer Comply Europe, based in Brussels.


Avenue de Cortenbergh 71 1000 Brussels Belgium

+32 2 732 41 24