Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe 2020 - WINNERS ANNOUNCED
Members of Polymers for Europe Alliance choose the best polymer producers in Europe

Following the cancellation of the traditional award ceremony and extension of the voting period due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polymers for Europe Alliance is finally announcing the winners of the 2020 Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe.
We would like to thank all companies who took the time to vote under these difficult circumstances. We are proud to say that the number of participants continued to rise for the 4th year in a row since the start of the awards in 2016. On behalf of our members, we will get in touch with the polymer producers to discuss the results in detail, especially the fact that the average rating of polymer producers decreased by 4% compared to the last edition. A development that we will continue to closely monitor." Said Ron Marsh, Chairman of the Polymers for Europe Alliance.
The Polymers for Europe Alliance congratulates Repsol for winning the overarching award on CIRCULARITY covering all polymer types.
In the remaining polymer categories, the following companies were awarded:

During the past months, users of polymers across Europe participated in an online survey to rate their supplier’s performance from June 2019 up to May 2020. The evaluation considered the categories Polymer Quality, Circularity, Delivery Reliability, Communication and Innovation for a total of 9 different materials. For the second time, the Alliance published as well a more detailed ranking, including the scores of all polymer suppliers that we rated by the members of the Alliance. The complete ranking is available here.
The opening date for the next voting round of the Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe 2021 will be announced in February 2021.
The rating tool is easy to understand, extremely user-friendly and provided in several languages in order to reach as many polymer users in Europe as possible. In case you do not yet have an account on the Polymers for Europe Alliance, you can register for free to get your exclusive access to the rating tool:
About Polymers for Europe Alliance
The Alliance was initiated by the European Plastics Converters association (EuPC) during its General Assembly in May 2015. It is an online, confidential information platform open to all parties who have an interest in the competitive conversion of polymers in Europe. Its objectives are to provide factual public information on the status of the polymer supply situation in Europe and to re-establish a constructive dialogue with the supply base.
Initiatives of the Alliance include the annual Best Polymer Producers Awards for Europe as well as several studies like an exploratory industry study to assess the level of competitiveness of the European plastics converting industry.
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